Wednesday, February 18, 2015

New York, New York

One of our final destinations was New York. We stayed in The Surrey Hotel. It was a very nice hotel, with interior design. It was nice to be able to look out the hotel window and see the city lights.

We went to visit many places, places very typical of tourists to visit. We saw the Statue of Liberty. It was better than I could have imagined it. When we went, it was still a little chilly outside, but there were still so many people there.

We of course went to Times Square and saw all of the busy people on their phones, tourists with mouth hanging wide open in awe, huge billboards everywhere for different films, advertisements, bright lights, etc. It was so amazing and the excitement of the atmosphere was pretty awesome!

We both went to a lot of restaurants as well but our favorite was the ABC Kitchen. They made their foods with organic ingredients. I had the fresh fettuccine with swiss chard and pistachio pesto. It was so good!


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Best Spots!

I think one of the best spots to visit is Savannah Georgia! It is beautiful, especially the squares in the middle of the streets all over the city. The best way to visit this city is to go with your friends or family because that way, you don't have a set time while visiting a certain place, for example if you were to go on a tour. The best choice for transportation would be walking in this city because you are really able to capture the beauty and wonderful essence that the city gives off. You can walk along the river on the old cobblestone streets and look at all the aged buildings. While walking you can visit the unique shops throughout the city and see the gorgeous vegetation everywhere. One of the best parts is going to the amazing candy shops located there!

Another beautiful place that you should travel to is Albuquerque, New Mexico. It is a beautiful city, especially with the many hot air balloon rides that are given. I believe that going in a hot air balloon is something that everyone should experience because it will change your life! The food there is delicious, especially with local grown foods and I also love all the art that I saw! I loved especially the Tree Blue Project that was being done there in 2013 and all the cool neon blue trees! I'm not sure if the blue trees are still there, but if they aren't, the food and hot air balloons are definitely a reason to come here, for sure! The best way to explore this area is by walking or riding a bike. I believe that these two forms of transportation are best for traveling in a certain area because you are able to get the full effect.

One final place that I think is pretty cool is Saskatchewan, Canada. I think this would be a great place to visit because it has so many beautiful plains and grasslands that you can explore. There are lots of huge open areas in this province which would make it good for exploring and good for looking at its various types of vegetation. I also think that this area has excellent parks such as the Kiwanis Park, which is a memorial park there. The area also has really nice food and accommodations. I think that the best way to travel in this area is by car, but also by foot. You should use a car to visit different areas because they could be spread farther apart but then you can explore the different places by walking around on foot.

Alberta, Canada

When McKenzie and I went to Alberta in Canada we stayed in the Hyatt Regency Calgary Hotel. It had everything that we needed. At the hotel was a spa and a very nice restaurant that used local and fresh ingredinets for their meals (
The food was delicious!

We also stopped at the Vero Bistro Moderne. It was very good! I had the house made ravioli and the venetian seafood stew. The staff was also very positive and kind! It was a little expensive but so worth it (!!!

In Alberta, the various heritages that lie in the area are Aboriginal peoples and Ukranians ( The people living in this area strongly value art and film. They see it as an important part of life that gives life more meaning. Because of this, they started many programs to keep the arts going (

The land in Alberta is very similar to Saskatchewan because it contains lots of plains and fields that these Canadians use for farming.

Saskatchewan, Canada

McKenzie and I wanted to go to a couple of Canadian provinces as well. We really wanted to go to Saskatchewan, just because it had a unique name. Saskatchewan is a very beautiful area with many plains and gorgeous vegetation, like flowers. The area has prairies, forests, and grasslands (
schools/sask/skgeo.html). Many different heritages live there, such as French and Scottish people, Aboriginal peoples, and different types of refugees ( The people living there were very kind and generous, especially when we stayed in our hotel. We stayed in The James Hotel, which is located very near to the Kiwanis Park, which we visited multiple days in a row. The hotel was gorgeous. We were able to get a hotel room that had a balcony and we could look over upon the South Saskatchewan River.
Above is an image of our hotel room. It was just amazin

Kiwanis Park
The Kiwanis Park was very beautiful. It is a memorial park for all the history of Saskatchewan and important occurrences over time. The park was fun to explore and experience.
After stopping at the park, we ended up eating at the Little Red Market Cafe. They have delicious food and a huge variety. Although, a lot of their foods items include lamb, which tastes amazing. McKenzie and I both had the Maple Bacon Ice Cream Sandwich (

Monday, February 16, 2015

Savannah, Georgia
McKenzie and I then went to Savannah Georgia, a gorgeous city filled with beautiful vegetation.
We stayed in the Planter's Inn which is in the middle of the Historic District in Savannah. It was a wonderful and cozy place to stay. Our room even had a balcony that overlooked the city. The town has so many historic buildings and there are colorful flowers everywhere (
McKenzie and I decided to explore the historic district in the city and go to all the amazing shops along the river. Throughout the historic district lie beautiful areas of greenery throughout the entire city. These squares are used to separate the different parts of the city and to show the memorials placed in the center of many. One of the larger squares had a huge fountain. It was amazing. When we were there, it was very sunny and it made the water glow. There were many shops along the river in Savannah. These shops were located in older buildings surrounded by cobblestone paths. There a various restaurants, vendors, and one of the best shops of all, the many candy stores throughout the area. These shops contained the most candy you will ever see in your entire life. I saw many people wandering around. One local had set out his paintings for people to view near the river; I believe he was selling them. I also saw locals making flowers out of  corn stalks. The people living there were very southern and kind to one another and the visitors of their city. While we were there, we took a walking tour of the city and we took a lot of pictures of awesome things we saw. While we were in this area, we mainly walked throughout the city and then we took taxis if we needed to get somewhere that was farther away. Walking made it a lot easier for shorter distances and a lot more fun, although it took a little longer than a taxi would. A taxi allowed us to get where we wanted quickly. But it also cost us where walking would cost us nothing. The taxi rides cost about $5 each. While we were in the historic district we went to this delicious restaurant by the river called Boar's Head Grill and Tavern. I had the shrimp alfredo which was delicious and McKenzie had the bacon wrapped shrimp with scallops. Their seafood was wonderful!
 The name of the candy stores is Savannah's Candy Kitchen. These shops have such a variety of candies and sweets and they are huge!

New Orleans, Louisiana
When McKenzie and I arrived in New Orleans, we stayed at The Ritz-Carlton hotel. It is a five star hotel and the design of the hotel is very beautiful, it is antique in a way. It has a very beautiful structure and gorgeous interior design. The hotel includes a spa and a musical guest, Jeremy Davenport, which the Davenport Lounge in the hotel is named after (
McKenzie and I did a lot of fun activities. One thing we did was walk along Bourbon Street which is a major area in New Orleans. It is a area know for huge parties and a place where you can just have lots of fun! The people in the area make the area exciting. Here they also largely celebrate Marti Gras. It is a very popular holiday in New Orleans. It is a crazy day full of parades and drinking right before Lent begins. In This area is a very famous restaurant in New Orleans called Galatoire's Restaurant ( (
Galtoire's was founded in 1905 by Jean Galatoire and is a restaurant in New Orleans. The restaurant serves French Creole cuisine.
 It was very delicious! (

Beverly Hills, California

When McKenzie and I arrived in Beverly Hills we found a very luxurious hotel. We stayed in the Beverly Hills Hotel. It was so nice. It had everything you could ever want in a hotel and it was always sunny outside and very warm.
I noticed that the people there are very extravagant and take things to the extreme. In Beverly Hills, there are huge buildings with very artistic architecture and ecstatic people who love to live large and in luxury.
We ended up going to many different restaurants, but our favorite was Mastro's Steakhouse. It was very expensive but it had amazing food and I would love to go there again!
Mastro's Steakhouse - Beverly Hills, CA, United States
We went to visit the Beverly Gardens Park as well and took a picture in front of the huge Beverly Hills sign which is a very popular location there. The garden was very beautiful!

While in Beverly Hills, we mainly walked throughout the city but we also took taxis to places that were farther away.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Albuquerque, New Mexico

I have been so bored with my life lately. I felt the need to take a long trip with my best friend, McKenzie Confer. We wanted to go somewhere fun and have a great adventure. We wanted to go to Beverly Hills, California. We ended up taking the train to get there because driving would have taken nearly two days. The total cost of the train ride was about $250 for both of us. The train ride took about a day. We made one stop on the way at a very nice hotel because we didn't want to sleep on the train. We stayed in the Hyatt Regency hotel in Albuquerque, New Mexico. 

Jennifer James 101, Albuquerque


In Albuquerque, McKenzie and I ended up going out to dinner that night. We went to a place called Jennifer James 101. This restaurant was amazing. They bring in local foods from the area to make the meals; it was very authentic. I had a roasted winter vegetable salad.
 Before we left the next day, we wanted to do something crazy. In Albuquerque, hot air balloons are very popular. We ended up taking a ride in one of them, it was one of the best experiences I've ever had. The hot air balloon looked like a rainbow.

In Albuquerque, there are various different ethnicities (70+). Their culture is shown through their art and their variety of foods.

The Blue Tree Project Visits Albuquerque
The Blue Tree Project was started in seven cities to celebrate Earth Day. It was done in Albuquerque in 2013 when Konstantin Dimopoulos, a famous Australian artist came to visit for Earth Day. People painted many trees blue temporarily for this holiday. It is one of the most beautiful pieces of art I've seen!