Monday, February 9, 2015

Albuquerque, New Mexico

I have been so bored with my life lately. I felt the need to take a long trip with my best friend, McKenzie Confer. We wanted to go somewhere fun and have a great adventure. We wanted to go to Beverly Hills, California. We ended up taking the train to get there because driving would have taken nearly two days. The total cost of the train ride was about $250 for both of us. The train ride took about a day. We made one stop on the way at a very nice hotel because we didn't want to sleep on the train. We stayed in the Hyatt Regency hotel in Albuquerque, New Mexico. 

Jennifer James 101, Albuquerque


In Albuquerque, McKenzie and I ended up going out to dinner that night. We went to a place called Jennifer James 101. This restaurant was amazing. They bring in local foods from the area to make the meals; it was very authentic. I had a roasted winter vegetable salad.
 Before we left the next day, we wanted to do something crazy. In Albuquerque, hot air balloons are very popular. We ended up taking a ride in one of them, it was one of the best experiences I've ever had. The hot air balloon looked like a rainbow.

In Albuquerque, there are various different ethnicities (70+). Their culture is shown through their art and their variety of foods.

The Blue Tree Project Visits Albuquerque
The Blue Tree Project was started in seven cities to celebrate Earth Day. It was done in Albuquerque in 2013 when Konstantin Dimopoulos, a famous Australian artist came to visit for Earth Day. People painted many trees blue temporarily for this holiday. It is one of the most beautiful pieces of art I've seen!

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