Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sucre, Bolivia

Abis Patio [( Website: (] 
7 Cascades ( / citation: (
El Hotel de Su Merced ( /Citation: (
I drove the rental car to Sucre, Bolivia and it was a beautiful drive. I suggest driving through South America because you get to see all of the beautiful cities and gorgeous mountains and deserts. I knew that I had saved a lot of money for the hotel in Brazil, so once I arrived in Sucre I found a decently priced hotel that was still really nice. I recommend staying at El Hotel de Su Merced. It was $210 for three nights and everything at the hotel was amazing, the staff, the decor, it was amazing! Just like the hotel in Brazil, this hotel also had a delicious buffet in the morning and an extravagant balcony. The next night, I had dinner at Abis Patio. It is a wonderful cafe that serves food all day. All the food is homemade as well. I had the Nachos Locos and they were decently priced for how tasty they were. If you're ever in Sucre, definitely stop by this place. It is very good! The next day I took a bus for a few bucks out to the The 7 Cascades resort where I climbed rocks and walked a long the trail
they had so I could see all seven waterfalls. I also was able to swim in the various pools created by the flowing waters. This is a must see if your ever in Sucre. It is so beautiful and allows you to have a little peace and quiet and gives you some time to think. :) The people in Sucre are very kind and traditional. A lot of the buildings are very old and have been there for a long time. In Sucre, there are many traditional shops as well. If you ever have the chance to go to Bolivia, this is the city for you. :)

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